10. Additional working modes

Lesson overview

In this lesson you will learn about two additional ways to work with e3:

  • Cell mode, where you can install modules locally instead of into the global e3 environment

  • Dev mode, where you can work with a separate copy of the module source repository in order to facilitate module development.


This chapter covers several ways to work with e3 when building modules. If you are working with a pre-built environment, then this chapter can be omitted.

Cell mode

Depending on your deployment settings, it is possible that you may have restricted access to deploy modules to an e3 environment. For example, there may be a global e3 shared filesystem with read-only privileges. In such a case you might still want to be able to work with e3 without having to build an entire environment on your local machine, which is what cell mode allows. This is done by the use of several make targets (cellbuild, cellinstall, cellvars, and celluninstall) that modify the build and install paths for modules.

Building in cell mode

Suppose that we want to build e3-linconv from the previous chapter in cell mode. Let us start by modifying the version of the module.

[iocuser@host:e3-linconv]$ echo "E3_MODULE_VERSION:=celltest" > configure/CONFIG_MODULE.local

Installing this new module version locally is as simple as running the following commands.

[iocuser@host:e3-linconv]$ make init patch build   # Of course, you should initialise, patch, and build first
[iocuser@host:e3-linconv]$ make cellinstall

In this case, the linconv module will be built and installed into the path e3-linconv/cellMods:

[iocuser@host:e3-linconv]$ tree cellMods/
`-- base-
    `-- require-4.0.0
        `-- linconv
            `-- celltest
                |-- db
                |   `-- linconv.db
                |-- lib
                |   `-- linux-x86_64
                |       `-- linconv.dep
                `-- linconv_meta.yaml


This includes paths for EPICS base and require so that you can build the same module for multiple versions of base/require with no conflict.

Running an IOC in cell mode

If you try to run an IOC and load this module with iocsh -r linconv,celltest you should see

[iocuser@host:e3-linconv]$ iosh.bash -r linconv,celltest
# --- snip snip ---
require linconv,celltest
Module linconv version celltest not available (but other versions are available)
Aborting startup script

This fails, since require by default will only search in E3_SITEMODS_PATH for modules to load, not in your local cellMods path. In order to search there, we pass the directory cellMods with the flag -l to iocsh:

[iocuser@host:e3-linconv]$ iocsh -l cellMods -r linconv,celltest
# --- snip snip ---
epicsEnvSet EPICS_DRIVER_PATH cellMods/base-
require linconv,celltest
Module linconv version celltest found in cellMods/base-
Module linconv depends on calc 3.7.4+1
Module calc version 3.7.4+1 found in /epics/base-
Module calc depends on sequencer 2.2.9+0
Module sequencer version 2.2.9+0 found in /epics/base-
Loading library /epics/base-
Loaded sequencer version 2.2.9+0
sequencer has no dbd file
Loading module info records for sequencer
Module calc depends on sscan 2.11.5+0
Module sscan version 2.11.5+0 found in /epics/base-
Module sscan depends on sequencer 2.2.9+0
Module sequencer version 2.2.9+0 already loaded
Loading library /epics/base-
Loaded sscan version 2.11.5+0
Loading dbd file /epics/base-
Calling function sscan_registerRecordDeviceDriver
Loading module info records for sscan
Loading library /epics/base-
Loaded calc version 3.7.4+1
Loading dbd file /epics/base-
Calling function calc_registerRecordDeviceDriver
Loading module info records for calc
Module linconv has no library
Loading module info records for linconv
# Set the IOC Prompt String One
epicsEnvSet IOCSH_PS1 "localhost-15630 > "
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R7.0.6.1-E3-
## Rev. 2022-02-14T09:48+0100
iocRun: All initialization complete

These two pieces allow an e3 user to be able to install and load modules even if they do not have write permissions to a shared e3 environment.

Development mode

The development mode is instead intended to allow the developer to modify the source module, and utilizes git clone instead of git submodule. This provides a method to use a forked copy of the source module, which allows you to commit changes even if you lack permission to push to the remote repository.

The configuration for Development mode is modified in the files CONFIG_MODULE_DEV and RELEASE_DEV contained in the configure/ directory. If these files do not exist, you can create them from the original CONFIG_MODULE and RELEASE files with some minor modifications. The key differences are

  • E3_MODULE_DEV_GITURL: The remote path to the module repository. This allows you to use a forked version of a module that you do not have permission to commit to.

  • E3_MODULE_SRC_PATH: The path used for the local clone of the module source code repository. Note that this appears in both CONFIG_MODULE and CONFIG_MODULE_DEV, and the value in these two should be different. For example, for e3-iocstats in CONFIG_MODULE we define E3_MODULE_SRC_PATH as iocStats, while in CONFIG_MODULE_DEV we define it as iocStats-dev.

Development mode allows a user to work with (and commit changes to) a remote module without needing to have permissions to commit to the standard one. This is a good method to make changes in order to create a pull/merge request to a community EPICS module.

To use development mode, you simply prefix the usual commands with dev. That is, to build and install a module in development mode you would run

[iocuser@host:e3-iocstats]$ make devinit devpatch devbuild devinstall

As in standard mode, there are also dev versions of many targets, such as devvars, devexistent, devclean, etc. There is also an additional target, make devdistclean which removes the cloned source directory.

Finally, note that make existent and make devexistent are (essentially) identical in that they both provide information for what has been installed.


How are those two commands actually different? That is, when will they produce different output?

Setting up the development module

In order to learn to work both with development mode and with modules in general, we will work with our own forked copy of the community EPICS module iocStats.

To begin with, fork your own copy from the community iocStats, and then update the variable E3_MODULE_DEV_GITURL in CONFIG_MODULE_DEV to point towards your fork.

Begin by running the command make devvars. This will show the e3 module variables with the development mode, which should look something like the following. Note that this example uses the ESS ICSHWI fork and compares it against the community module, and so your output may be different.

[iocuser@host:e3-iocstats]$ make devvars

>>>>     Current EPICS and E3 Environment Variables     <<<<

E3_MODULES_PATH = /epics/base-
E3_MODULE_DEV_GITURL = "https://github.com/icshwi/iocStats"
E3_MODULE_MAKEFILE = iocStats.Makefile
E3_MODULE_MAKE_CMDS = make -C iocStats-dev -f iocStats.Makefile LIBVERSION="develop" PROJECT="iocstats" EPICS_MODULES="/epics/base-" EPICS_LOCATION="/epics/base-" BUILDCLASSES="Linux" E3_SITEMODS_PATH="/epics/base-" iocstats_E3_GIT_DESC="" iocstats_E3_GIT_STATUS="[ \\\" M configure/CONFIG_MODULE_DEV\\\",  \\\" M configure/RELEASE_DEV\\\", ]" iocstats_E3_GIT_URL="git@gitlab.esss.lu.se:e3/wrappers/core/e3-iocstats.git"
E3_MODULE_NAME = iocstats
E3_MODULE_SRC_PATH = iocStats-dev
E3_REQUIRE_CONFIG = /epics/base-
E3_REQUIRE_TOOLS = /epics/base-
MSI = /epics/base-
REQUIRE_CONFIG = /epics/base-

Next, you must initialise the development mode. This is done using make devinit, which will clone your fork into a directory with the name of iocStats-dev. This is what the file tree will look like after:

[iocuser@host:e3-iocstats]$ tree -L 1
|-- cmds
|-- configure
|-- docs
|-- iocsh
|-- iocStats
|-- iocStats-dev
|-- iocStats.Makefile
|-- Makefile
|-- patch
|-- README.md
`-- template

Confirm now that you have dev mod set up correctly by checking the remote URLs for both the submodule and development directories by using git remote -v.

[iocuser@host:iocStats]$ git remote -v
[iocuser@host:iocStats-dev]$ git remote -v


Note that by default, the *-dev path within an e3-module is ignored (which you can see in the .gitignore). With this workflow, we can expand our repository up to any number of use cases.

One important point to remember is that both standard and development mode use much of the same configuration/metadata in order to build and deploy a module. In particular, they both use the same module.Makefile, even though some of the configuration (CONFIG_MODULE versus CONFIG_MODULE_DEV and similarly for RELEASE) may differ.


  1. Can you change the install path used in cell mode?

  2. How would you load more than one module installed in cell mode at the same time?

  3. Can you override the default E3_MODULE_DEV_GITURL with your own forked repository without any git status changes in e3-iocstats? The output of git status should look like

    [iocuser@host:e3-iocstats]$ git status
    On branch master
    Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
    nothing to commit, working directory clean
  4. Do we need make devdistclean? Is there any other way to clean or remove a cloned repository iocStats-dev?

  5. We have an 1.0.0-awesome.p0.patch file. How would we apply it to Development mode source files?