Article: Configuring your conda recipe

To create a conda recipe, you should use cookiecutter, seeHow to: Create a conda recipe with cookiecutter.

The src/ directory

If you used the cookiecutter e3-recipe, it will create the file {module_name}.Makefile on src directory.

This file is very similar to module Makefile created for an e3 wrapper.

The recipe/ directory Makefile

Also created automatically by cookiecutter, there are two files in the recipe directory:

  • This is just a set of bash instructions that will build and install the e3 module. They should be the same for every e3 module.

    # Clean between variants builds
    make -f {module_name}.Makefile clean
    make -f {module_name}.Makefile MODULE=${PKG_NAME} LIBVERSION=${LIBVERSION}
    make -f {module_name}.Makefile MODULE=${PKG_NAME} LIBVERSION=${LIBVERSION} db_internal
    make -f {module_name}.Makefile MODULE=${PKG_NAME} LIBVERSION=${LIBVERSION} install
  • meta.yaml: A file that contains all the metadata in the recipe. This file contains information about the package like its name, its version, its dependencies, etc.

    For concreteness’ sake, let us focus on a specific recipe: julabof25hl-recipe. To be explicit, we are currently looking at the recipe for version 0.1.18.

    At the top of the meta.yaml file there are some macro definitions.

    {% set version = "0.1.18" %}
    {% set name = "julabof25hl" %}

    The package sections specifies the package information

      name: "{{name}}"
      version: "{{ version }}"


    The name be lower case and may contain hyphens (-), but not spaces. For the version number we follow PEP-386 verlib conventions. Hyphens (-) are not allowed. The YAML interprets version numbers such as 1.0 as floats, meaning that 0.10 will be the same as 0.1. To avoid this, put the version number in quotes so that it is interpreted as a string.

    The source section specifies where the source code of the package is coming from. For the ESS recipes, we use the source from git and from a local path ../src.

      - git_url:
        git_rev: {{ version }}
      - path: ../src

    The build section defines the build number that should be incremented for new builds of the same version. The number defaults to 0. No change is necessary for the keys run_export and skip. For more details about what means each key see conda website.

      number: 0
        - {{ pin_subpackage(name, max_pin='x.x.x.x') }}
      skip: True

    The requirements section specifies the build and runtime requirements. Dependencies of these requirements are included automatically. In the build key, will be used always those same values. In the case of host key, it specifies the dependencies necessary to build and run the module.

        - make
        - perl
        - tclx
        - {{ compiler('c') }}
        - {{ compiler('cxx') }}
        - epics-base 7
        - require
        - stream

    The test section defines the test that are run after the build is finished.

        - run-iocsh
        - run-iocsh -r {{name}}