Article: The build process with require (In-depth; advanced)

The e3 build process is a complicated bit of work. To recap, the overview is as follows:

  1. In the e3-wrapper directory: we collect some information and decide what build process we will perform (from RULES_E3), calling make in the module directory with information passed as in CONFIG_E3_MAKEFILE. EPICSVERSION is determined by the path EPICS_BASE.

  2. In the module directory: Target architecture ${T_A} has not been defined, so determine the architectures to build for.

  3. In the module directory: Perform a final collection of the relevant files, create the directories O.${EPICSVERSION}_Common and O.${EPICSVERSION}_${T_A}.

  4. In the directories O.*: Build/Install all of the required shared libraries and other files for the given version of EPICS base and target architecture.

We will go over each of these steps in more detail, as well as go over an example build to explain how information is collected and used by the build process.

Some details about make

Before we can describe the build process, we have to talk a little about how make works. If you do not understand make, it is very very hard to understand the e3 build process. For a reference, I can suggest GNU make reference.

In short, make does two things:

  1. It provides a framework to describe the tree structure of dependencies of a given project

  2. It provides a way to give instructions how to build those dependencies if they are missing or out of date

These are built up of instructions that look like

VARIABLE = value

target: dependency
    echo $(VARIABLE)

If you ran the command make target it would check first that dependency is up-to-date (i.e. newer than target), and if it is, it would run the commands below.

$ make target
echo value

The key is in how make generates its dependency tree. Unlike many programming languages (of which make is… not necessarily one?), make is decidedly non-procedural: since lines are not evaluated and actions are not performed in a linear order, it can be very difficult to trace exactly how a variable has obtained its value, or why certain actions have been performed.

The make process for e3

Stage 1: The e3-wrapper

We start in the e3-wrapper directory, and run (for example) make build. The first thing that happens is that we load the makefiles from the configure directory; these in turn load CONFIG_MODULE and RELEASE which specify dependencies and for which version of EPICS base and require we are building, as well as CONFIG from the require module (located in configure/modules/CONFIG in this repository).

We also load RULES which similarly loads a number of rules-related configure files installed with require. The most important one in RULES_E3 which initiates most of the e3 build process. As an example, we have:

## Build the EPICS Module : $(E3_MODULE_NAME)
# Build always the Module with the EPICS_MODULES_TAG
build: conf checkout
    $(QUIET) $(E3_MODULE_MAKE_CMDS) build

which first makes sure that conf and checkout are up to date (these copy the $(module).Makefile into the module directory, and run a git checkout command to make sure that the module is up-to-date). Note that $(E3_MODULE_MAKE_CMDS) is defined in CONFIG_E3_MAKEFILE which specifies which arguments should be passed to this recursive call of make.

Stage 2: Defining T_A

In e3, we only build for a single verion of EPICS base at a time. This is defined in driver.makefile as

EPICSVERSION:=$(patsubst base-%,%,$(notdir $(EPICS_LOCATION)))

which converts, for example, /opt/epics/base- into

We begin by determining the target architectures to build for. In this case, we may build for more than one architecture at a time; at the moment, ESS supports linux-x86_64, linux-corei7-poky, and linux-ppc64e6500 (as well as a debug architecture, linux-x86_64-debug). This is also where we include the EPICS build rules: see the sequence

-include ${CONFIG}/CONFIG

(The redefinition of EPICS_BASE is due to the fact that it is overwritten in CONFIG_SITE from EPICS base)

This is also the place where we start collecting information about what to build and install. For example, to begin collecting the source files to compile, we have the following section:

AUTOSRCS := $(filter-out ~%,$(wildcard *.c *.cc *.cpp *.st *.stt *.gt))
SRCS = $(if ${SOURCES},$(filter-out -none-,${SOURCES}),${AUTOSRCS})
export SRCS

Note in particular the export SRCS line: when make is called recursively, variables from one run to the next do not persist unless they are exported. It is also extremely important to note when the variable being exported is expanded: this happens right before the next iteration of recursive make is called, so even if SOURCES will only be defined later (as is the case with the e3 build process), it will export correctly.

The cross-compiler target architectures CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS are defined in $(EPICS_LOCATION)/configure/CONFIG_SITE, which is generated when you build EPICS base for the first time.

The next stage of the build is triggered by

define target_rule
$1-%: | $(COMMON_DIR)
    $${MAKE} -f $${USERMAKEFILE} T_A=$$* $1
$(foreach target,install build debug,$(eval $(call target_rule,$(target))))


$(foreach target,install build debug,$(eval $(target):: $$$$(foreach arch,$$$${BUILD_ARCHS},$(target)-$$$${arch})))

We can simplify this by focusing purely on the build target; in that case this essentially reads

build-%: | $(COMMON_DIR)
    ${MAKE} -f ${USERMAKEFILE} T_A=$* build

build:: $$(foreach arch,$${BUILD_ARCHS},$(target)-$${arch})

i.e. build depends on build-T_A_1, build-T_A_2, etc., each of which trigger a call to run make build again with T_A set appropriately.1

Stage 3: Preparing to build T_A

For this stage of the build process, we are still in the module directory; the next stages will be done in the directories O.$(EPICSVERSION)_Common or O.$(EPICSVERSION)_$(T_A), respectively. These directories will also be created at this point, and are the destination of all intermediate and final output files (e.g. any generated .db or .dbd files, .o files, and lib$(module).so)

Note that make clean simply deletes these directories, removing all generated files.

We make a final collection of what objects we should build, and a final gathering of information:

# Add sources for specific epics types or architectures.
ARCH_PARTS = ${T_A} $(subst -, ,${T_A}) ${OS_CLASS}

allows the developer to have architecture-specific files: for example, if T_A = linux-x86_64 then ARCH_PARTS will be linux-x86_64 linux x86_64: If we now consider the next segment, we see

SRCS += $(foreach x, ${VAR_EXTENSIONS}, ${SOURCES_$x})

which tells us that we can have SOURCES_x86_64 (or another other part of VAR_EXTENSIONS) to selectively compile code based on architecture and version.

Finally, we run

install build debug:: O.${EPICSVERSION}_Common O.${EPICSVERSION}_${T_A}
    @${MAKE} -C O.${EPICSVERSION}_${T_A} -f ../${USERMAKEFILE} $@

Note that due to the argument -C O.${EPICSVERSION}_${T_A} we switch to that directory, using the same ${USERMAKEFILE} to manage the build process.

Stage 4: Building T_A

We have now collected the majority of the information that we need to build our module. We will do a little more organisation and preparation, and then the process will be handed over to the EPICS build system. Note that this part of driver.makefile is by far the most complicated section, and takes some time to digest.

To begin with, I would like to point out a couple sections of interest, followed by tracing through what happens when you include a line such as SOURCES += file.c in your $(module).Makefile.

Examples of the make process

We will provide a few examples of how make processes the data and produces the desired result. The first is installing a header file, and the second is actually compiling a source file.

Installing a header file

Before we go on to the more complicated case of compiling source files, let us go over the simpler step of having header files be installed so that other modules may include them. As an example, there are many .h files that are installed with asyn and are used by lots of other modules.

The simplest way of including a header file is to add the line HEADERS += header.h into your $(module).Makefile. Having done this, the build/install process runs as follows.

  1. In stage 2 we start with the following:

    HDRS = ${HEADERS} $(addprefix ${COMMON_DIR}/,$(addsuffix Record.h,${RECORDS}))
    export HDRS

    which passes these on to the variable HDRS (as well as collecting a few other headers, including version-specific ones if necessary)

  2. There is only one place in the build process that these are relevant: in stage 4 (within the directory O.${EPICSVERSION}_{T_A}) we have the following line:

    SRC_INCLUDES = $(addprefix -I, $(wildcard $(foreach d,$(call uniq, $(filter-out /%,$(dir ${SRCS:%=../%} ${HDRS:%=../%}))), $d $(addprefix $d/, os/${OS_CLASS} $(POSIX_$(POSIX)) os/default))))

    or, simplified:

    SRC_INCLUDES = $(addprefix -I, $(wildcard $(call uniq, $(filter-out /%,$(dir ${HDRS:%=../%})))))

    which adds the directory that the header files are located in to the search path for include files when compiling.

  3. The next time the headers come up is during the install process, and are governed by the following:

    vpath %.h $(addprefix ../,$(sort $(dir $(filter-out /%,${HDRS}) ${SRCS}))) $(sort $(dir $(filter /%,${HDRS})))
    # snip
    INSTALL_HDRS = $(addprefix ${INSTALL_INCLUDE}/,$(notdir ${HDRS}))
    # snip
    INSTALLS += ... ${INSTALL_HDRS} ...
    install: ${INSTALLS}

    and the following from EPICS base RULES_BUILD:

         $(ECHO) "Installing generic include file $@"
         @$(INSTALL) -d -m $(INSTALL_PERMISSIONS) $< $(@D)

    which says that any target within the directory $(INSTALL_INCLUDE) has the target as a dependency, i.e. $(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/header.h depends on header.h

  4. Finally, the vpath line above tells make where to search for that file, and then the instructions tell make to run the program defined by $(INSTALL) to install the file in the target location. Note however that there is one potential source of problems here: the dependency is just the filename alone, and so if you have the following two header files you would like to include: dir1/header.h dir2/header.h i.e. the same filename, but different locations, then only one of these two will be installed.

    In order to avoid this, you can add a path to the variable KEEP_HEADER_SUBDIRS, which will preserve the directory tree structure of headers under that path.

Compiling a .c file

Building source files at its heart is similar to the above, but the chain of dependencies is significantly more complicated. As above however, the inclusion of a source file to be compiled into the shared library is simple: add the line SOURCES += $(APPSRC)/file.c in your module makefile.

The next steps are complicated due to being shared among different configure files.

  1. Initially in stage 2 above, we have the line SRCS += $(if ${SOURCES},$(filter-out -none-,${SOURCES}),${AUTOSRCS}) which includes your file in the variable SRCS.

  2. In the EPICS base configure file CONFIG_COMMON, we have the following two directives:

    HDEPENDS_FILES = $(addsuffix $(DEP),$(notdir $(basename $(SRC_FILES))))

    which converts $(APPSRC)/file.c into file.d in the variable HDEPENDS_FILES.

  3. Next in stage 4, we include RULES from EPICS base which includes RULES_BUILD. This includes the following:

    -include $(HDEPENDS_FILES)

    which seems quite innocuous, but it is a surprisingly important line: make, when trying to include a file, will first see if it exists, and if it does not, then it will see if it can generate that file. In this case, we have the rule

        @$(RM) $@
        $(HDEPENDS.c) $<

    which provides a rule to create file.d from file.c: this runs (once again, from CONFIG_COMMON):


    i.e. it compiles the source file with a special flag that produces not only file.o, but a dependency file file.d.

    To wit, on our first pass through in stage 5 we compile all of our source files to produce object files and dependency files.

  4. We now need to connect the source files to the final shared library. The first step is the following from driver.makefile:

    LIBRARY_OBJS = $(strip ${LIBOBJS} $(foreach l,${USR_LIBOBJS},$(addprefix ../,$(filter-out /%,$l))$(filter /%,$l)))
    LIBOBJS += $(addsuffix $(OBJ),$(notdir $(basename $(filter-out %.$(OBJ) %$(LIB_SUFFIX),$(sort ${SRCS})))))

    which adds file.o to LIBRARY_OBJS.

  5. Next, we look at LOADABLE_SHRLIBNAME: roughly speaking, if you end up with a non-empty LIBRARY_OBJS (as we have above), then this will be lib${PRJ}.so. In particular, we obtain from RULES_BUILD the dependency and build rules:

        @$(RM) $@

    where the linking command is provided in CONFIG.Common.UnixCommon:

  6. Last but not least, we need to connect this to the target build. In RULES_BUILD we find:

    # snip snip

    and in particular, that build depends on $(LOADABLE_SHRLIBNAME).

  7. Putting this all together, we have the following chain of dependencies:


    where that last target includes file.o.

  8. The magic now comes from the fact that we have already built this file back when we were creating file.d! As such, we can run the linking command, and we obtain our shared library, ready to install.


Why do we need the .SECONDEXPANSION? The issue at hand is because the architecture filters are defined after the inclusion of driver.makefile. As such, we take advantage of GNU make’s ability to do a deferred secondary expansion of target dependencies to ensure that we perform the correct filtering on archtectures.